Search Engine Submissions - How to Submit to Google
How to submit to Google Really, really simple - go to the add url page and enter your url. You can just add the homepage but I would suggest that you submit the homepage and a few important pages over a few days (one page per day) just to be sure.
Google does not have a paid inclusion program so you have to get in the good old fashioned "wait and see" way. Google does have paid advertisement options in the form of their Premium Listings and AdWords services.
What is Google PageRank? Are you obsessed with your listings on Google? Well, join the crowd. Since Google introduced their toolbar everyone has been overly concerned with their PageRank. Google PageRank is a score that Google has assigned to a site based on the site's link popularity, relevancy and a lot of other factors. Some have gotten so obsessed that they are refusing to link to any site with a PageRank lower than 5 as they fear this will lower their own site's PageRank. The reality is that PageRank is not the be all and end all. New sites won't have any for a few months and even sites with poor PageRank can show very well in Google's search engine results if they are relevant for the search terms.
Google on submitting to Google
Add your URL to Google
Google Information for Webmasters
Google Spam Report Page
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
Submitting to Google: links
Webmaster World Google Forum
Search Engine Forums Google
PageRank Explained
The Handy Dandy
Google Page Rank Figurin' Guide
NEXT Step: Submit Your Site to FAST's