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  Search Engine Marketing Guide    
Web Site Content - Online Sales Copy and Writing for Search Engines

In This Section
  Copywriting for the web
  Writing for the search engines

Contrary to what some web site owners believe, it is not high search engine listings that generate sales - it is combination of compelling copy and easy navigation. So you want the site to be easy to get around and you want the copy to sell.

But to get the sale you have to be found and in order to be found easily in search returns you need to have keyword rich html text. So search engine friendly content and online sales copy have to be married in order to form a winning combination.

 Home Page
  Market Research
  Keyword Research
  Copywriting for Search Engines
  Copywriting for the Web
  Architecture & Link Structure
  Dynamic Sites
  Splash Pages
  Site Redesigns
  Titles and Meta Tags
  Alt Tags & Link Text
  Never Spam
  Static Pages
  Mini Sites
  Information Pages
  Doorway Pages
  Open Directory
  Regional and Industry Directories
 Search Engine Submissions
  Fast Alltheweb
  Inktomi (MSN)
  Other engines
  Rank Monitoring
  Site Statistics
 Online Marketing
  Pay Per Click
  Paid Listings
  Email Campaigns
  Affiliate Marketing
  Offline Web Site Marketing
  Newsletters, Lists, Information Sites
  Design/Development Resources
  Searching the Web